The MΣAL collective and the Jazz Station are joining forces to develop a program dedicated to the issues of improvisation and the interactions it generates between music and contemporary dance. This proposal will combine performances and speaking times in the spirit of a bimonthly laboratory within our venue. Dance, music and conferences will be brought to interact and question each other according to contemporary and/or timeless themes specific to the history of jazz, with improvisation as a framework for exploration. The cycle will begin in October and December 2024 with two cycles of residency and evenings on the theme of gesture: the gesture at the origin of movement and instrumental practice, the driving force of all choreographic and sound production as improvisation reveals to us. Rehearsals allow us to find new strategies to sharpen this listening (sound painting techniques, improvi-sation tools in dance, jazz, etc.). Then, we invite spectators to attend the improvisations (between 1 hour and 1 hour 30).

With the support of studio LE LABEUR, Dame de Pic / Cie Karine Pontiès

15€ ·10€ members, students, job seekers · 9€ KCB/CRB students / ULB Culture card
Reservations strongly recommended via our online ticket office.

  • Jazz Station
  • Thursday 19 December 2024 from 20:30 to 22:30