Jazz Portrait - Pierre Vaiana
par Jean-Pol Schroeder
For this 2022-2023 season, Jean-Pol Schroeder continues his portraits of jazz men and women who have marked their era. New for this season : he will be accompanied by Jacques Onan. The two specialists will take turns giving the lectures.
Attending the lectures on the History of Jazz is to listen to anecdotes about world-famous musicians, but also to (re)discover and understand the careers of ancient and contemporary artists. It is to take advantage of the rich explanations of our lecturers as well as their archives and other video excerpts that have become very rare !
6€ · 30€ for 6 sessions · 100€ per season
- Jazz StationCONFERENCE
- Mardi 23 avril 2024 de 19h00 à 21h00